Set or display the ARCHIVE or READ-ONLY attributes on a file

                         See also <BACKUP> <XCOPY>


COMMAND TYPE: External                  VERSION: 3.0 and up


USE:  ATTRIB [+R|-R][+A|-A][d:][path] [filename][/S]


+R sets the file attribute to READ-ONLY.

-R removes the READ-ONLY file attribute, allows updating of the file.

+A sets the archive bit.

-A resets the archive bit.


d: path filename specifies the file whose attributes will be changed.

   (wildcards may be specified)


/S to process all files in the specified directory and its

   subdirectories.  (This switch is valid for DOS 3.3 and later





The above example sets the file 'HELP.COM' to a READ-ONLY status. The

archive attribute is set whenever a file is modified, and is used by

<BACKUP>, <RESTORE> and <XCOPY> to determine whether to process files based

on their "modified" status.  Other non-MSDOS backup programs also may

examine this attribute.  Backup and copy programs may or may not

remove the archive bit, depending on settings.




                Batch file run whenever the system is booted

                       See also <CONFIG.SYS> <SHELL>


COMMAND TYPE: External                  VERSION: 1.0 and up




If a batch file named AUTOEXEC.BAT exists on the drive used to start

MSDOS, then it is executed by the system when the boot procedure is

completed.  It is also executed if a new primary command processor is

loaded.  The primary use of AUTOEXEC is to run programs which are

required whenever the computer is used, so that you do not have to

enter them each time.  For example, you may wish to load <APPEND> and

<PRINT>.  It can also be used to set <PATH> and <PROMPT>, any other

environment variables you usually use, and load any RAM-resident





PRINT /D:LPT1 /B:512

PROMPT $e[s$e[1;69H$e[7m$t$h$h$h$e[0m$e[u$p$g





                  Backs up files from one disk to another

                             See also <RESTORE>


COMMAND TYPE: External                  VERSION: 2.0 and up


USE:  BACKUP d:[path][filename] d:[/S][/M][/A][/D:mm-dd-yy]

      [/T:hh:mm:ss][/F:size] [/L[:[d:[path]filename]]]


d:/path/filename specifies the source drive (the drive that contains

   the files that you want to back up).


The second d: specifies the destination drive (the drive to back up

the files to).


/S includes all subdirectories in the backup.

/M backs up files that have been modified since the last backup (files

   with the archive bit set)

/A backs up additional files to a diskette with back up files already

   on it.  Without this option, all files on the backup diskette will

   be destroyed.

/D:mm-dd-yy backs up files that have been modified since a specific



NOTE: The following options /T, /F, and /L are new to DOS 3.3.  Do not

try them with earlier versions.


/T:hh:mm:ss backs up files that have been modified on or after the

   specified time on the date specified.

/F:size formats the target diskette if it is not already formatted.

   "size" indicates the type of disc for the formatting program. The

   following may be accepted: 160,180,320,360,1200 (kb - 5.25" discs)

   or 720,1440 (kb - 3.5"discs)

/L creates a log.  If a file name is not specified, the default is

   BACKUP.LOG, and the file is stored in the root directory of the

   source drive.  If a log file exists, the information is appended to

   the end of that file.  The first record of the file contains:

        The date of the backup    The time of the backup

   Subsequent records contain:

        Diskette number of the backed up file. Full path and file name

        of each backed up file.


Files created using the <BACKUP> command must be <RESTORE>d to be useful.




This example will back up all files (in all subdirectories) on drive

C: to drive A:.


NOTES: Do not use on drives which have been <ASSIGN>ed, <SUBST>ituted or




                  Sets the number of disk buffers allowed.


COMMAND TYPE: System Configuration      VERSION: 2.0 and up


USE: BUFFERS = n[,m] [/x]


n  must be a value from 1 to 99 specifying the number of buffers to be

   used.  The default value is two buffers.


MSDOS 4.x only:

m  is is maximum number of sectors that can be read or written in one

   operation [1-8], default is 1

/x places the buffers in expanded memory (the number of buffers may

   then be up to 10000)


For disk intensive applications such as a database, more buffers are

recommended.  Adding more buffers can speed up certain applications.

However, if you set the number of buffers over 20 it may begin to slow

down applications.


NOTE: This command must be placed in the <CONFIG.SYS> file and is not a

normal DOS command.




             Displays or changes the current working directory

                          See also <MKDIR> <RMDIR>


COMMAND TYPE: Internal                  VERSION: 2.0 and up


USE: CHDIR [d:][path]

 or  CD [d:][path]


d: path specifies the new drive and directory that will be made



If no parameters are used then the current drive and directory are

displayed.  The root directory is represented by "/".  A path

beginning with / is taken to be relative to the root directory, while

any other path is relative to the current directory.  The parent

directory can be abbreviated to ".."




                Analyzes the files and directories on a disk

                             See also <RECOVER>


CHKDSK checks the disk directory for self consistency and displays the

total and available disk and RAM memory.


COMMAND TYPE: External                  VERSION: 2.0 and up


USE:  CHKDSK [d:][path][filename] [/F][/V]


d: path filename specifies a filename to check.  If a filename is

   specified, CHKDSK will report the number of non-contiguous areas

   occupied by the file.  Access to non-contiguous (fragmented) files may be

   significantly slower than to contiguous files.  Perform a <BACKUP>

   and <RESTORE> to correct this situation

/F corrects errors found in the directory and in the file allocation

   table. Other errors are noted, but not corrected. The user is

   prompted whether to allow each chain of lost clusters to be

   converted into a valid file.  These files will be named with the

   following naming convention:

   FILEnnnn.CHK where nnnn is a four digit number starting with 0000.

/V displays all paths and filenames on the specified drive.



                             Clears the screen.


COMMAND TYPE: Internal                  VERSION: 2.0 and up






                   Invokes a secondary command processor

                       See also <SHELL> <CONFIG.SYS>


COMMAND TYPE: External                  VERSION: 2.0 and up


USE:  COMMAND [d:][path][ctty-dev][/P] [/C string][/E:nnnnn]


d: path is the drive and path that DOS will look in for the COMMAND


ctty-dev allows you to specify a different device (such as AUX) for

   input and output.

/P makes the secondary command processor permanent in memory. The

   <AUTOEXEC.BAT> file is executed following this command.

/C string passes a string (a DOS command) to the command processor and

   then exits automatically.

/E:nnnnn is an integer that specifies the size (in bytes) of the

   environment. The acceptable range of nnnnn is from 160 to 32768.

   (not available pre DOS 2.x).  In DOS 3.1, the size is in paragraphs

   (units of 16 bytes).  Default size is 160 bytes.



loads a secondary command processor, runs the command <CHKDSK> on drive B

and returns to the original command processor.





      Setup system configuration and load device drivers at boot time



COMMAND TYPE: System configuration      VERSION: 1.0 and up


If a file CONFIG.SYS exists in the root directory of the disc used to

load MSDOS, it is read by the system during the boot sequence and the

information in it is used to customise the operating system.  It is

also used to specify DEVICE DRIVERS, which are programs used to access

external devices on the computer.  Device drivers can only be loaded

when the system is initialised and so must be listed in CONFIG.SYS.

IF no config.sys file is found, no device drivers are loaded and all

of the system default values are used for the variable parameters.


The possible commands used in CONFIG.SYS are listed below:


<BREAK>     set control-break checking

<BUFFERS>   set number of disc buffers

<COUNTRY>   set country specific defaults

<DEVICE>    load a device driver

<DRIVPARM>  define parameters for block devices

<FCBS>      specify the number of FCBs that can be open simultaneously

<FILES>     set the number of open files that can access MSDOS

<INSTALL>   execute certain MSDOS commands during CONFIG.SYS processing

<LASTDRIVE> set the maximum number of drives you may access

<REM>       add comments to CONFIG.SYS

<SHELL>     specify file to execute on completion on boot sequence

<STACKS>    supports the dynamic use of data stacks



       Copies a file (or group of files) to the same or another disk

                    See also <XCOPY> <VERIFY> <DISKCOPY>


COMMAND TYPE: Internal                  VERSION: 2.0 and up


USE:  COPY [/A][/B][d:][path] filename [/A][/B][d:][path] [filename]


 or   COPY [/A][/B][d:][path] filename [/A][/B][+[d:][path] filename

           [/A][/B]] [d:][path] [filename] [/A][/B][/V]

 or   COPY [/A][/B][d:][path] filename [/A][/B][+[[,,]d:][path]

           filename [/A][/B]...] [d:][path][filename] [/A][/B][/V]


The first d: path filename specifies the source file.


The + symbol will cause files to be joined together as they are

copied.  For example:  COPY FILE1+FILE2 FILE3 will copy the contents

of FILE1 and FILE2 into FILE3.  Multiple files may be joined in one operation.


The second d: path filename specifies the destination file.


When /A (ascii) is used with the source filename, it will be copied up

to the first end of file marker (Ctrl-Z). The rest of the file will

not be copied.

When /A is used following the destination file, an end of file marker

will be added to the end of the file.


When /B (binary) is used with the source filename, the entire file

will be copied (including CTRL-Z).  This is the default.

When /B is used following the destination filename, no end of file

marker will be added to the end of the file.


/V verifies that the data is copied correctly.


Wild Card characters are allowed within or in place of filenames.

Wildcards in the destination will be replaced by the corresponding

filename or part of filename from the source file list.




               Delete a file (or group of files) from a disk.


COMMAND TYPE: Internal                  VERSION: 2.0 and up


USE: DEL [d:][path] filespec /P


d: path filespec specifies the file(s) to DELete.  wildcards are accepted.

/p prompt before deleting each file.  If the filespec is *.*, DEL will

   always prompt for verification.


ERASE is a synonym for DEL




                       Lists the files in a directory

                          See also <TREE> <CHKDSK>


COMMAND TYPE: Internal                  VERSION: 2.0 and up


USE:  DIR [d:][path][filespec] [/P][/W]


d: path filespec specifies the drive, path, and filenames to list.

   wildcards * and ? are accepted.

/P will PAUSE the listing each time a screen full of file names

   appears.  You will be asked to press a key when you are ready to

   continue.  This keeps the files from scrolling by faster than you

   can read them.

/W will list the files in a WIDE format.  Only the file names will be

   listed and they will be listed five across.  You can fit a much

   larger directory on the screen this way.




               Copies the contents of one diskette to another

                 See also <COPY> <XCOPY> <BACKUP> <VERIFY>


COMMAND TYPE: External                  VERSION: 2.0 and up


USE: DISKCOPY [d:[d:]][/1]


The first  d: is the source disk for the DISKCOPY.

The second d: is the destination disk for the DISKCOPY.

/1 copies only the first side of the disk.


If the destination disk has not been formatted, then DISKCOPY will

format as it copies (with the same number of sectors and sides as the

source disc).  If specified with no parameters, DOS will perform a

single drive copy on the default drive.


DISKCOPY is for use on floppy disks only.  An attempt to use DISKCOPY

with a fixed disk will not work.

DISKCOPY makes a mirror image copy of a diskette on to another

diskette.  As a result, any flaws or fragmented files will also be

copied over.  The <COPY> or <XCOPY> commands would work much better under

these circumstances.




            Device driver to allow access of extra disk devices

                       See also <DEVICE> <CONFIG.SYS>


COMMAND TYPE: EXTERNAL                  VERSION: 3.2 and up


USE:  DEVICE=DRIVER.SYS /D:ddd [/T:ttt][/S:ss][/H:hh][/C] [/N][/F:f]


/D:ddd specifies the physical drive number.  Value 0-127

/T:ttt specifies the number of tracks per side.  Value 1-999 (default 80)

/S:ss  specifies sectors per track.  Value 1-99 (default is 9)

/H:hh  specifies the maximum number of heads.  Value 1-99 (default is 2)

/C     specifies that changeline support is available.

/N     specifies that the disk is not removable.

/F:f   specifies the device type.

         0 = 160/180/320/360 kb 5.25"

         1 = 1.2 Mb  5.25"

         2 = 720 kb  3.5"

         7 = 1.44 Mb 3.5"


NOTE: The DRIVER.SYS device driver must be placed in the <CONFIG.SYS>

file and be used in conjunction with the DEVICE = DRIVER command.




              Control echoing of batch commands to the screen


Enables or disables the screen display of DOS commands during the

execution of batch files.


COMMAND TYPE: Internal (batch)          VERSION: 2.0 and up


USE: ECHO [ON] [OFF] [message]

or   @ECHO OFF


ON  turns ECHO on

OFF turns ECHO off.

message is a text message that will be displayed on the screen.


After turning ECHO off, any batch file commands encountered by DOS

will not be echoed to the screen.


(DOS 3.3, 4.x)  When the @ symbol is used before a REMark or before an

ECHO ON or ECHO OFF command, that command will not be displayed.




          Exit the command processor and return to a previous one

                             See also <COMMAND>


EXIT explicitly quits the command processor and returns to the program

which called it.  This is usually used to return to programs which

temporarily created a secondary copy of




            Installs a partition on a hard disk drive for MS-DOS

                             See also <FORMAT>


COMMAND TYPE: External                  VERSION: 2.0 and up




FDISK is a menu driven program.  If you have any questions as to what

any particular options do, you should refer to your MSDOS reference

manual.  It should only be neccessary to use FDISK when installing a

new hard disc, or when modifying the partitions on an existing disc.


NOTE: Be careful with this command because you will probably destroy

any data that is on your disk.



     Sets the number of open files that DOS can access at any one time

                           See also <CONFIG.SYS>


COMMAND TYPE: System Configuration      VERSION: 2.0 and up




nn specifies the number of files that can be accesssed via DOS system

calls at one time. The acceptable values are 8 to 255 (default is 8).

Some programs may open more files by bypassing the DOS system




After this command is placed in the <CONFIG.SYS> file, up to 15 files may be

open at one time.


NOTE: This command must be placed in the <CONFIG.SYS> file and is not a

normal DOS command.




               Searches a file for a specific string of text.


The FIND command searches for a text string in a file or group of files.

If no files are given, FIND reads standard input and can be used in a pipe.


COMMAND TYPE: External                  VERSION: 2.0 and up


USE:  FIND [/V][/C][/N]"string" [[d:][path]filename...]


filename is the file to be searched, with optional drive and path.

   Several files may be listed, but no wildcards are accepted.

/V displays the lines that don't contain the requested string.

/C displays the number of lines that contain a match of the string

/N displays the number of each line that contains a match along with the

   line of text.


"string" is the string of text to search for.  It must be enclosed in

quotes.  To include quotes in the string, use two sets e.g. "this is a

""quoted string"" "


If no parameters are entered, all lines that contain a match of the

requested string will be displayed. The string must be an exact match

(i.e the search is case sensitive).




          Repeats a command for several variables in a batch file.


COMMAND TYPE: Internal (batch)          VERSION: 2.0 and up


USE:  FOR %%var IN (set) DO command


%%var represents a variable that will be sequentially set to each value in

set.  If the FOR command is used in a batch file, %%var must be used, if

the FOR command is used at the DOS level, only one % is required.


set contains the actual values that %%var will represent when the command

is executed.  willdcard file specifiers are allowed in set.


command is the DOS command that will be repeated.  In the command, %%var

will be replaced by the value of the variable.




when this command is encountered in a batch file, all files with the

extension .TXT will be TYPEd (displayed on the screen).




      Initializes a disk or partition to accept MS-DOS files

                        See also <SYS> <LABEL> <VOL>


FORMAT checks for any defective tracks, and prepares the disk to

accept DOS files.  It creates the directory and file allocation tables

(FAT) and assigns a unique volume serial number.  It may also

optionally copy the MSDOS system files to the new disc.


COMMAND TYPE: External                  VERSION: 2.0 and up


USE:  FORMAT d:[/S][/1][/4][/8][/B] [/n:sectors][/t:tracks][/v:label]



d:  is the drive to be formatted.

/S  copies the system files from the source disk to the destination

    disk and makes the disk bootable.  There are three system files:


        (these files may have different names on non-IBM systems)

/1  formats a diskette on 1 side only making it a single sided

    diskette regardless of the drive type used.

/4  formats a 360k (DSDD) diskette in a high capacity drive.  Such disks

    may not always be read reliably by 360k drives because of the narrower


/8  formats a disk using 8 sectors per track.  (Obsolete - required to

    remain compatible with version 1.1 of DOS)

/V  will allow you to add a volume label to the diskette being

    formatted. Volume labels are a way to identify individual

    diskettes.  The label (up to 11 characters) may be specified after /v

    or will be prompted for when formatting is complete.

/B  formats a diskette using 8 sectors per track and allocates space

    for system files to be transferred later (using the SYS

    command). Using the /B option will allow you to install any

    version of the DOS system files.


(MSDOS 4.x extensions)

/t:tracks  specifies the number of tracks to place on the disc

/n:sectors specifies the number of sectors to place on the disc

/f:size    specifies the size of the diskette.  MSDOS chooses the

           appropriate number of tracks and sectors.  Allowable values are

           160k 180k 320k 360k 720k 1200k 1440k (may be specified with

           "k", "kb" or neither).  This cannot be used the /t or /n


By default, FORMAT will use the drive specification to determine the type

of disc according to the the physical drive addressed by that letter.  If

it is a non-removable hard disc, FORMAT will request confirmation before




FORMATS drive C:, copies the SYSTEM files to drive C:, and prompts the

user for a VOLUME LABEL.


NOTE: FORMAT destroys any existing data on the disk, and ignores any

drive reassignments made via the <ASSIGN> command.





            Transfers control of a batch file to a labelled line


The command after the line containing the appropriate label is executed.

The label cannot be on a line with any command.


COMMAND TYPE: Internal (batch)          VERSION: 2.0 and up


USE: GOTO :label


In a batch file, a label is a word preceded by a colon (:).  These

lines are ignored when the batch file is executed.


EXAMPLE:  :begin

           format a: /s

           if errorlevel 0 goto end

           echo An error occurred during formatting


           echo End of batch file




    KEY commands:    Down arrow      

 Select next Topic           

                      Up arrow      

 Select previous Topic      

                      Right arrow   

 Jump to next Topic          

                      Left arrow    

 Return to previous Topic    


     SCREEN commands: Page control    PgUp/PgDn/Home/End          

                      Scroll Up       - (minus key)               

                      Scroll Down     + (plus key)                



     OTHER commands:  F1              Help (this screen)          

                      Esc             Leave (program stays in     


                      Control Home    Main menu                   

                      Alt-T           Remove from memory          

              Hit the right arrow key to see a list of DOS <COMMANDS>




      Execute FASTOPEN, KEYB, NLSFUNC or SHARE during boot processing



COMMAND TYPE: System configuration      VERSION: 4.0 and up


USE:  INSTALL=[d:][path]filename [parameters]


INSTALL allows certain DOS commands to be executed during system

initialisation. "filename" must be one of FASTOPEN.EXE, NLSFUNC.EXE,

KEYB.EXE, SHARE.EXE, followed by any neccessary arguments.  This is

useful for ensuring that these commands are executed once only.  If

they were placed in <AUTOEXEC.BAT> they might be accidentally repeated

multiple times.


NOTE: This command must be used only in <CONFIG.SYS> and is not a normal

DOS command.




          Creates, modifies, or deletes a diskette's volume label

                       See also <DIR> <FORMAT> <VOL>


COMMAND TYPE: External                  VERSION: 3.0 and up


USE: LABEL [d:][volume label]


d:  specifies the drive which contains the diskette to be labeled.

volume label specifies the label to be written on the disk.  A volume

    label can be up to 11 characters long.  If you do not specify a volume

    label when using the LABEL command you will be prompted for one.


The volume label is reported by the <DIR> and <VOL> commands to show you

which diskette you are using.  The label may contain spaces, but not

tabs or any of the following characters "*?/.,;:+=><[]()&^"




                           Creates a subdirectory

                          See also <RMDIR> <CHDIR>


COMMAND TYPE: Internal                  VERSION: 2.0 and up


USE: MKDIR [d:]path


d:path specifies the drive and path where the subdirectory will be

       located.  Path must be 63 characters long or less.


NOTE: MKDIR and MD are identical commands




       Sets the path of directories that DOS will search for programs

                             See also <APPEND>


The current directory is always searched first.


COMMAND TYPE: Internal                  VERSION: 2.0 and up


USE:  PATH [[d:]path[[;[d:] path]...]]]


d: path; d: path;... define the paths that DOS will search for

     commands and programs. The paths are separated by ";" and the maximum

     length is 127 characters.

PATH     with no arguments will report the current path.

PATH ;   will delete the current path.


COMMAND.COM uses PATH to search for commands and programs.  The current

directory is always searched first, followed by the directories in the PATH

command, in the order specified.  Executable files have extensions .COM,

.EXE, and .BAT .  Within each directory the search order is COM, EXE, BAT.

The path is stored in the environment string PATH.




          Displays a remark during the execution of a batch file.


COMMAND TYPE: Internal (batch)          VERSION: 2.0 and up


USE: REM [comment]


If ECHO is on, the entire line is echoed to the screen during

execution of the batch file.  A comment is generally used to display

messages during execution or to remind the programmer what the parts

of the batch files are for.  Blank REM lines can also be used in a

batch file to improve readability.


EXAMPLE: REM This is a test!

will display the message:

     REM This is a test!


(DOS 4.x and later) REM may also be used in <CONFIG.SYS>





                     Renames a file (or group of files)

                         See also <COPY> <REPLACE>


RENAME changes the name of a file or group of files.  REN and RENAME are

the same command.  Wildcard characters ?  and * are allowed in the



COMMAND TYPE: Internal                  VERSION: 2.0 and up


USE:  REN] [d:][path] filename filename


d: path filename specifies the file(s) to be RENAMEd.


The second filename is the new name for the file(s).


EXAMPLE: REN *.C *.BAK  changes the name of all files ending with .C to

the same name, but with .BAK as the extension.


NOTE: RENAME may not move a file into another directory.  There are

programs available which can do this, without copying the file.





                           Remove a subdirectory

                           See also <MKDIR> <CD>


COMMAND TYPE: Internal                  VERSION: 2.0 and up


USE: RMDIR [d:]path


d: path specifies the subdirectory to remove.


The subdirectory to be removed must be empty or RMDIR will not be

allowed.  RD is identical to RMDIR.




           Displays all directories and subdirectories on a disk

                               See also <DIR>


It can also list all files in each directory and subdirectory, in a

tree structured diagram.


COMMAND TYPE: External                  VERSION: 2.0 and up


USE: TREE [d:][path] [/F] [/A]


d:  is the drive whose directory paths will be listed.

/F  causes TREE to list the individual files in each directory as

    well as the paths


(DOS 4.x and later)

path sets a starting path for the TREE command, rather than using the root


/A   tells TREE to use ascii characters instead of the IBM extended

     graphics characters.  This is useful for printing on a printer which

     cannot handle the IBM graphics set.  The older versions of tree

     always used ascii characters only.




                        Sets up a virtual (RAM) disk

                       See also <DEVICE> <CONFIG.SYS>


Virtual disks actually make your computers memory act like a disk

drive.  As a result, a virtual disk will be much faster than an actual

disk drive.  MSDOS supplies a device driver to create this virtual

disc.  Versions up to 3.3 were called VDISK.SYS.  Version 4 calls it



COMMAND TYPE: External                  VERSION: 3.0 and up


(DOS 3.0-3.3)

USE:  DEVICE=VDISK.SYS[comment][bbb] [comment][sss][comment][ddd] [/E[:m]]


comment is a message containing normal text characters.

bbb  is the size of the virtual disk in kbytes.  Values between 1K and

     the memory available in your machine will be accepted.

sss  is the sector size in bytes. 128, 256, and 512 are the sizes that

     will be accepted.  A smaller sector size will utilize space much

     better, but a larger sector will improve performance.

ddd  is the number of files that the virtual disk can hold.  Values

     between 2 and 512 are accepted.

/E   will force VDISK to use the extended memory (memory above 1


:m   is the maximum number of sectors of data that VDISK will transfer

     at a time.  The possible numbers for :m are 1 through 8.



sets up a virtual disk with 200K storage space, 256 bytes per sector,

and 64 directory entries.


(DOS 4.0 and later)

USE: DEVICE=RAMDRIVE.SYS [bbb] [sss] [ddd] [/E] [/A]


bbb is the size of the virtual disk in kbytes.  Values between 16K and the

    memory available in your machine will be accepted.  The default is 64k

sss is the sector size in bytes. 128, 256, 512 and 1024 are accepted. The

    default is 512.  A smaller sector size will utilize space much better,

    but a larger sector will improve performance.

ddd is the number of root directory entries that the virtual disk can

    hold. Values between 4 and 1024 are accepted. The default is 64

/E  will place the virtual disc in extended memory (memory above 1

    megabyte). This  cannot be specified with /A

/A  will place the virtual disc in LIM expanded memory.  This cannot be

    specified with /E


NOTE: The VDISK.SYS or RAMDRIVE.SYS device drivers must be placed in the

CONFIG.SYS file and be used in conjunction with the DEVICE = DRIVER


NOTE: The contents of a virtual disc will be lost when you reset or turn

off the computer.




                         Displays the VOLUME LABEL

                         See also <LABEL> <FORMAT>


COMMAND TYPE: Internal                  VERSION: 2.0 and up


USE: VOL [d:]


d: is the drive whose VOLume label will be displayed.  The default

drive is assumed if none is specified.




           Copies groups of files. Subdirectories can be included

                    See also <COPY> <VERIFY> <DISKCOPY>


XCOPY copies groups of files based on various switches.  It can copy

entire subdirectory trees and is much more powerful than COPY.


COMMAND TYPE: External                  VERSION: 3.2 and up


USE:  XCOPY [d:][path]filename1 [d:][path][filename2] [/A][/D][/E]


or    XCOPY [d:] path [filename1] [d:][path][filename2] [/A][/D][/E]


or    XCOPY d:[path] [filename1] [d:][path][filename2] [/A][/D][/E]



d: path filename1 specifies the source drive, path, and filename.

d: path filename2 specifies the destination drive, path, and filename.

/A   copies only those files that have been modified since the last

     BACKUP /M or XCOPY /M.

/D   copies files whose date is equal to or later than the date

     specified.  If you wish to specify a date, the format is

     /D:mm-dd-yy or whatever date format you may have selected using

     the <COUNTRY> or <SELECT> commands.

/E   causes XCOPY to create subdirectories on the destination drive

     as it copies.

/M   copies only those files that have been modified since the last

     BACKUP /M or XCOPY /M.  The /M option is identical to the /A

     option except XCOPY /M will reset the flags on those files that

     have been modified since the last backup.

/P   causes XCOPY to prompt you before copying each file.

/S   causes XCOPY to copy files in any subdirectories below the

     directory that XCOPY starts in.

/V   causes XCOPY to <VERIFY> that the data recorded was recorded


/W   causes XCOPY to wait for you to insert a disk before beginning.



will copy all files in all directories from drive C: to drive D:.